Sept. 1st, 2011 Sleepin' in Style!

William has been sleeping in his brand new big boy bed for a couple weeks now. The funny thing is, he still calls for either me or dad when he wakes up in the morning (like he did when he was still in his crib) to get him out. We'll see how long that lasts! Although he's been sleeping in the bed for a little while, we just got his new comforter set today...Cars, Tractors and Airplanes! He's loving it, to say the least. Hard to believe that before we know it, the bunk bed will be up and there will be two little Gant boys jumping on the beds (o:

Just me and my Charlie horse...Last nap in the crib.

Helping Daddy put it together.

Book time before the first night in the new bed.

The first thing he did when I put his new comforter on the bed...crawled under and asked me to come get him (o:

I see you Mamma!

After getting all the giggles, jumps and energy out, we're finally ready for bed.


Amy said…
He is growing up so fast!! My 3 year old nephew thinks that he is not allowed to open the bedroom door when he wakes up in the morning. My sis loves it cause she then can sleep a little bit longer at times, but it makes it hard for potty training. ;)

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