May 20th, 2011 This year's Garden

I remember planting the garden last year with William-pretty cute. This year-pretty hilarious! Of course, his attention span isn't very long, but he got it down pretty quick what's required to plant a seed (probably because he's seen his mom plant quite a few in his lifetime!). I'll let the pictures (and video) tell the story...

I would hand him a seed and point to where he needed to put it.

Then he would plop it in it's spot and push it down with his finger (I didn't even have to tell him. I guess he's seen me do it quite a few times!)

Then...he gets bored with that task and tries to eat the seeds I give him.

Or, sprinkle the whole package in...(it gets done faster that way, right?!)

Again, it's quite hilarious planting with a 2 year old (o: It takes quite a bit longer than if I was to just do it myself, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad I have this blog to jot this down...I don't ever want to forget these times. I'm very thankful for my little planter (o:


Audrey said…
Beautiful! Seeing you in overalls, "playing" in the dirt takes me straight back to Elementry school, playing at your house with Jenny, Melanie and Tauna, while your Mom worked in the yard and we bounced on the trampoline. THANK YOU for those memories!

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