May 13th, 2011 Visiting Daddy at the Fire Station

It's been awhile since we took William to see his Daddy at work. We were headed into Portland to visit William's Great Grandma who was up from California for a visit. I thought, since we were already in Portland, that we'd all go to the station and check it out. Little did I know, we were going to get a boat ride on the 80 ton "1927 David Campbell"...while Daddy was pilot! What a treat! Here's what I captured of the visit:

Hands in pockets, hangin' with Great Grandma (o:

Maybe a future harbor pilot in the making?...

"Move over Dad, I think I can do it now!"

Cousin Audre, Grandma, Mamma & William. It was such a great day for a boat ride!

"Dadda, I like this boat!"

Hangin' out in the fire engine

William wasn't too sure about Dad putting on all his gear...

I finally got him to stand on Daddy's lap. He was diggin' the flashlight.


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