The start of a new chapter in life...

Continuation of my emails to those who have prayed for us and our move:

Well, the holidays are past and the New Year is well on its way…

For those of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers and reminded us via text or phone call that you’re thinking of us, your encouragement has meant the world.  I don’t ever want to forget to say thank you.

We are continually reminded of the importance God placed on people and community. It has truly been our sustenance throughout this entire journey.  He never meant for us to do life alone; ever. Whether it’s been the life group we’ve connected with, new friends and families through the boy’s school and the kindness of our neighbors, we’ve felt encouraged.  Honestly, this journey would’ve been one of extreme loneliness, depression and frustration if it hadn’t been for stepping beyond ourselves and reaching out to others (even at the most stressful of times).  I say this only as encouragement.  When life throws big things, God works through His people to comfort.  Stay connected.

Today marks a big day in our lives.  Today Curtis ended his last shift with Portland Fire.  After 16yrs in Portland (and 28 total years of public service), he turned in his gear this morning.  The guys on shift yesterday really made Curtis feel blessed with all they did for him.  He received a traditional fire ax plaque commemorating his years of service in Portland, one of the firefighters came in on his day off to deliver a “fire ball” (welded together metal plaque pieces that each represented a memory of Curtis’ years of service with a propane feed to be used as a “fire pit”-see picture below), and four of the fireboats met up on the water to say hey and goodbye to him.  He told me he felt extremely thankful and blessed.  He returns home Thursday.  When we started our moving process, I thought this day seemed so far off…To be free of Portland and all that Curtis’ job was requiring of him both physically and emotionally; it feels good to be starting the next chapter.

I’ve been on the job hunt since after the holidays but Curtis’ doesn’t seem as eager for me to jump into full time work too soon.  I hadn’t realized that our healthcare benefits don’t run out until the end of March, so there’s time.  In the meantime, I have compiled my resume, collected all of my proofs of certifications and have email alerts set for new jobs in the area.  I’ve also been talking with other nurses here about their work experiences (again, getting to know more people!).  I haven’t closed the door on a potential hospice position if that’s where God wants me, although currently the only available shift is nights.  I’m trying hard to find something during the day (for the sake of my own health journey and recommendation from my naturopath).  

Meanwhile, the boys are thriving.  They have done so well and have definitely grown as a result of this whole experience.  Spring soccer sign ups started and although we knew Calvin would be interested, we had no idea William would want to try it…no prompting!  He has a friend at school that he’s been playing soccer with at recess and he said he’d join only if he was on his team.  For a kid who’s always been super resistant to anything like this, we were surprised and excited for him.  Doesn’t start till April, but we’ll see how it goes!  

We appreciate you continued prayers for the following!…

  1. Praise for God’s provision through Curtis’ job all these years and the peace in knowing He will continue to provide in the coming years as we trust Him with the unknowns.

  1. Prayers as God directs both timing and position for a job for myself.  Praying for day shift, benefits for our family and a work environment that feels less corporate and more personal as far as patient care.  I desire my role to be one of eternal impact to those I care for.

  1. Prayers for safety as Curtis’ drives home from Oregon tomorrow.  

  1. Prayers for leadership for Curtis and I as we’ve stepped into the role of life group leaders.  Also for Curtis over the next few moths as he learns more about the School of Leadership and Development  (S.O.L.D) that he’s been asked to be a part of.  

  1. Continued prayer for the potential of our neighbors selling their home, buying a tiny home and resting it on our property for a time being (to fulfill their desire to become debt free).  They have been able to get a hold of some people with the county and after conversations, have run into multiple roadblocks.  If it’s meant to be, God will find a way.  Praying for wisdom in the meantime.

Blessings to each and every on of you!!

Melissa and the boys


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