The beginnings of another great school year


And then it was September and these boys were actually excited to head back to school this year.  Makes it a whole lot easier when there's no tears at drop off (o;  Cascade View officially opened the doors on their new building for this school year of which meant William got to enjoy a brand new classroom.  Pretty exciting stuff.  He also originally thought he was going to be with a completely different teacher and due to enrollment, he switched teachers and classrooms.  He's getting to know some 5th grade kids that are new to the school as well as the 4th graders since he's in a 4th/5th blend with Mrs. Cecil. There's a new computer room in the new building and William's looking forward to learning how to officially handle a computer keyboard.  There's also been talk about a Robotics Club this year which has definitely piqued his interest.  Lot's of exciting stuff this year for William!

Calvin jumps right into a new classroom without any hesitations.  Of course, he knew a lot of the same kids from last year so it was like a mini reunion.  His biggest adjustment?  Remembering all of his things in the morning...water bottle, backpack, homework...He's famous for forgetting things.  But, that too he'll soon figure out.  He's looking forward to having Mrs. Rassmusen as his teacher and getting to be around ALL of his friends everyday.  Because if you know Calvin, everyone's his best friend.


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