Bump Surgery
Back in January I posted about the doctor's visit of Calvin's that caused concern for the bump he had on the back of his neck. Fast forward a few months to surgery date. I had a real peace about it all. Of course, there is always cause for concern when you decide to put your child under anesthesia for the first time. But, I feel as though God washed over me with peace as we faced the unknown.
This helped. He always helps calm nerves and put a smile on my face.
We were a little worried how getting up so early and then being told you couldn't eat breakfast was going to go over with this little guy. No problems at all. Not one complaint (another blessing).
He hesitated when they asked him to change into their special pajamas. Only saving grace was that he got to keep his blanket in his lap.
Hardest part...Handing him over and watching him them walk away. It helped that he hugged the nurse tight as they left. Now we had to wait...
Halfway through, they came out and asked if we wanted to see what had just been taking out of Calvin's neck. Of course we didn't hesitate in answering yes. I hadn't realized that they meant they had it in a bottle and were going to pop it out right there in the waiting room! I wasn't grossed out, but thought maybe a few sitting around us might be! A lot bigger and irregularly shaped than they thought. The surgeon later told us he assumed it was simply a plugged hair follicle that would have likely kept growing and gotten infected. To confirm his suspicion, the tissue was sent off to pathology (of which we later found out he was right...Praise God!).
Here he is when we finally met up again-bump free.
He was groggy and wanted me to hold him but they said he made it through like a champ.
All he wanted was more popsicles. Thankfully we took it slow, as the car ride home proved a bit much for his stomach (and thankfully I had brought a bowl for just such cause).
Done. It was all done. And for that, we were extremely grateful. He truly was a champ. I think the hardest part was following post op instructions by trying to keep him not quite as active as normal in hopes that the incision wouldn't pop open. Keep a four year old boy inactive?! Good luck. We explained what the doctor told us to him and it wasn't long before he'd start running around with William and then stop and say, "Sorry William, I have to slow down my energy." (lol)
He brought Koala to his post op visit. I think it was the first time I'd seen the surgeon smile. Pretty serious guy, so it was fun to see his face crack a smile. Who doesn't smile when Calvin's around?!
This helped. He always helps calm nerves and put a smile on my face.
We were a little worried how getting up so early and then being told you couldn't eat breakfast was going to go over with this little guy. No problems at all. Not one complaint (another blessing).
He hesitated when they asked him to change into their special pajamas. Only saving grace was that he got to keep his blanket in his lap.
Hardest part...Handing him over and watching him them walk away. It helped that he hugged the nurse tight as they left. Now we had to wait...
Halfway through, they came out and asked if we wanted to see what had just been taking out of Calvin's neck. Of course we didn't hesitate in answering yes. I hadn't realized that they meant they had it in a bottle and were going to pop it out right there in the waiting room! I wasn't grossed out, but thought maybe a few sitting around us might be! A lot bigger and irregularly shaped than they thought. The surgeon later told us he assumed it was simply a plugged hair follicle that would have likely kept growing and gotten infected. To confirm his suspicion, the tissue was sent off to pathology (of which we later found out he was right...Praise God!).
Here he is when we finally met up again-bump free.
He was groggy and wanted me to hold him but they said he made it through like a champ.
All he wanted was more popsicles. Thankfully we took it slow, as the car ride home proved a bit much for his stomach (and thankfully I had brought a bowl for just such cause).
Done. It was all done. And for that, we were extremely grateful. He truly was a champ. I think the hardest part was following post op instructions by trying to keep him not quite as active as normal in hopes that the incision wouldn't pop open. Keep a four year old boy inactive?! Good luck. We explained what the doctor told us to him and it wasn't long before he'd start running around with William and then stop and say, "Sorry William, I have to slow down my energy." (lol)
He brought Koala to his post op visit. I think it was the first time I'd seen the surgeon smile. Pretty serious guy, so it was fun to see his face crack a smile. Who doesn't smile when Calvin's around?!