Teacher Appreciation

The school puts on an annual pastor/teacher appreciation breakfast.  It's hosted by the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes and each student is able to invite whichever pastor or teacher they feel has been the most influential in their lives spiritually.

It didn't surprise me when William said that he wanted to invite "Teacher Sandy." She's given her life in devotion to the 2 & 3's class at church.  And even though it's been a few years since William's been in her class, he still receives postcards from her every Christmas telling him how special he is (she actually sends them out to all the kids she's had over the years...Even those who are now in high school).  She makes William feel special and it shows.  She felt honored that William would invite her and was more than thrilled to be a part of the event.

I was able to sneak in and take pictures of the event.  William surprised me and I could tell was just talking away to Sandy all throughout the breakfast.  She even commented afterwards that he was the most talkative she'd seen him.

Just a small token of appreciation for who she is and all she's done our William's life.

You can see (in the background) the hand plaque that the 1st graders made for each special person.  


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