18 Months?!?!

One of these days I won't be so amazed at how quickly time passes me by...right?  Truly, once kids enter the picture, it's like they press hard on the fast forward button of life (o;

Calvin turned 18 months today:
I couldn't get him to do anything but a "funny" face

And for fun, here's what big brother looked like when he was a little 18 month old:
We had his 18month apt and he weighs in at about the same weight he was at his 12month apt, around 26 1/2 lbs (still, not too far behind William's 32lbs (o;  ).
Here we are at the doctor's office:

Calvin is such a fun loving little boy.  He's full of energy and will say hi (and bye!) to anyone that acknowledges him.  His vocabulary is fastly increasing as he's pairing the signs he knows with the actual words.  Just the other day William was running around with his cowboy hat and lasso saying "Yee-haw"...He soon realized that he had a little shadow behind him waving a blade of grass and saying, "Heeha" too (o;  He wants to do everything his big brother does.


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