August 1st-5th Our 3rd Annual Lost Lake Trip

Becoming a family tradition that we look forward to every year...Lost Lake: The first weekend in August. It was definitely a highlighted trip this year.  
Aug. 1st, While playing the dump truck wins and William experiences his first bloody nose…Sorry, no pictures of this one.
Aug. 2nd, William caught his first fish!  A little 8 1/4th “ trout just long enough to keep (o;  Not that he wanted to dare eat it or even touch it, but he was proud of himself none the less.
Preparing the lines...
Walking to the lake.

And waiting...Honestly, I was surprised at how long he just sat there, fishing pole in hand.
And then, THE CATCH!  (just don't let that thing touch me...)

Walking it back to camp (NO! It's gonna touch me!!!)

Learning to clean  (William's thinking: "Eww.  They think I'm gonna eat it?!")
Aug. 3rd, Sean’s thumb and fish hook battle…fish hook wins.  Trip to the Hood River ER and back to camp without skipping a beat.  Don't worry Sean-no pictures of this one either. *AND William catches his 2nd fish!

Aug. 4th, William surprised me and joined the rest of the boys and swam in the lake.  It helped that it was pretty warm out, but the water was still COLD!  WAY TO GO WILLIAM!  

 I love this pic: William clinging to Daddy, Sean looking like a dive pro, Ethan going all out with his arms and Jacob cannon balling it.  

I wasn't sure I wanted any highlights for Aug. 5th-the last day we camped.  We were doomed for something bad to happen next and thankfully it never did (o;
Here's just a few more of my favorites...
All the boys: hangin' in the kayak hopin' for some fish.

Watchin' those goofy boys swim in that ice cold water.

Lauren, I think Calvin's the same size as you!  (It also looks like you're not wearing any undies (o; We know you had your swim suit on.)

Dirt, dirt and more dirt (o;  Camping is a boys heaven (And his shirt says: Will Trade Brother for Tractor)
And after a long day, you can curl up with your favorite blankie and nap in the hammock (he did this all by himself).

The Brown and Gant crew (sorry Lee, you hadn't gotten to camp yet for our picture)
Here's to Lost Lake 2013!


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