Jan. 12th, 2012 Potty Training
We've been working with William on potty training. We started seriously thinking about it this past Summer, when he could run around naked outside and watch himself pee (in the grass and not all over the house!). He caught on pretty quickly (to the peeing part that is) and had fun picking different objects to pee on (trees, rocks, leaves...fortunately not the dogs). Then, I decided we weren't gonna push the issue until after brother was born. I'd heard all kinds of people tell me that he would likely just regress, so I figured we'd at least introduce the whole concept and pick back up after Calvin was born. Sportin' the birthday suit while we practiced outside...I'm sure the pool had plenty of pee in it too. We told William that babies like Calvin wore diapers and that he wasn't a baby anymore. I guess this is where big boys wear their diapers...And for some reason I can't find this picture of this one for the life of me (one of William wearing a d...