Feb. 7th, 2012 He's THREEEEE!

My big boy turned three today...I have to just take a moment to sit and reminisce over the past three years. The days pass all too quickly. Oh the many laughs we've had with our William boy! Here's a picture peek into the past...

February 7th, 2009...The day that changed our lives forever.

The big ONE!

Turning TWO!

My handsome, adorable, fun loving THREE year old!

And now for the big three year old's birthday festivities...
We were fortunate this year. Grandma Marsha had booked a week at The Inn at Otter Crest in Otter Rock. William's birthday landed during this week, so we planned to head to the coast to celebrate! Uncle Cory, Aunt Lori and the cousins were there as well, which made for an extra special stay.

Per William's request, here's his super-duper Curious George birthday.

In the wee hours of the morning, I surprised William by putting a bunch of balloons on his bed for him to wake up to...Didn't get the surprised response I was hoping for, but hey, he was half asleep (o: Still fun.

He even rolled over onto a balloon and it didn't even phase him. I had to stand and wait for awhile for him to wake up. (I did video the whole waking up process, but it turned out a little long to post)

He was SO excited for his birthday!!! We were headed to the coast where Curtis' mom was staying at The Inn at Otter Crest in Otter Rock. Uncle Cory, Aunt Lori and his three cousins were there too!

Who says you can't have fun running up and down the coast...even if it is raining?!

He got to pick out his own kite-one of his birthday presents. Didn't have much wind, but he still had fun trying.

All the boys in their jammies, enjoying some homemade birthday pizza on a colorful table!

Here's Calvin, enjoying the festivities stuck in a chair while everyone else got pizza, and cupcakes (o; Cousin Cade made him happy.

Dulce de Leche Monkey Cupcakes...YUM!


How many times have I asked William to stop blowing in my face? And then I tell him he can blow out the candles and he won't...He finally did with a little coaxing.

And we owe all our thanks to my cousin Brenden for passing down your Curious George to William (o: Brenden boxed up his friend and sent him all the way from California for William to enjoy. I only wish Brenden would've been here to personally deliver it!

Thank you to all of you who made William's birthday so memorable!!


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