As many of you know, I enjoy gardening. It’s changed a bit over the years…we lived in Portland with room for only a few tomato plants, we moved to the country where I inherited a 4000sqft piece of gardening freedom where I planted LOTS, I had William and planted a little less and then I had Calvin and let the weeds semi take over (o; Needless to say, my love for the dirt and watching things grow hasn’t changed. It’s been fun to see William’s hands in the dirt while we plant, as well as his excitement as he sees a tiny green leaf poke through the soil. Calvin, well he’s learning to love dirt too…the taste that is. I’m sure, as he grows, that he’ll learn to love an aspect of it too (even if it’s simply a dirt clod fight with his brother…I can see it already). And this is how the cupboards (and the freezer, and the dehydrator…) are filled… Preparing the soil Mounding up the rows… Strawberry picking with friends (...