August 28th, 2009 Home after vacationing in California...William's first road trip!
How do I sum up 2 weeks of vacation...We were blessed with a fantastic California road trip and a wonderful time with my family. Here are some of the highlights while there...
*We got the entire family together for the first time in a long time (and I'm not quite sure when it'll happen again) for a family picture...Mom, Dad, Mel & Thomas, Tune, Maurice, Chris, Curtis, I & William. It was a lot of fun. Stay tuned and I'll pick some of our favorites for a separate post.
*William got to meet all the boys of the family for the first time, Uncle Maurice, Uncle Chris and Uncle Thomas. It was pretty fun to see the reactions on all their faces when they met him for the first time.
*William enjoyed the California beach for the first time. Of course, the camera batteries died while we were there so we only have a few pics for proof. None the less, he had fun trying to eat sand and splashing his feet in the water.
*We enjoyed the Wild Animal Park near mom and dad's place. William loved the bird show. The birds would fly above our heads and he would follow each of them to wherever they flew. It was fun to watch him as he focused so intently while they flew.
*Of course, Grandpa & Grandma had some extended time to enjoy William. They got to feed him for the first time (bananas, applesauce, oatmeal...yum!)...and watch the reactions on his face while he ate (pretty hillarious!), give him his baths, cuddle him, and just enjoy his wide open mouthed smile. They also enjoyed sharing him with friends that have only been hearing about him from them since he was born.
*We enjoyed Knott's Soak City in Chula Vista before taking my brother Maurice home. William was a little small for any of the big slides (don't worry, I don't think any of the lifeguards would've even let me step foot in one with William!), but it will be a fun place to visit again once he's old enough to get in the water a little more. We enjoyed soaking his feet in the wave pool.
The time flew by (as always) but I am so glad we had the time we did. One of the biggest blessings we had was how well William did in the car during the drive down and back. He's quite the little traveler! There will only be many more trips to see Gpa and Gma in the future!
Here are a few of my favorite pics from the trip...It'd take quite a few posts to fit them ALL in! (Check out facebook for more photos)