
Showing posts from March, 2009

March 28th, 2009 My friends Augustine & Kenna! 1 month 3 weeks

We took a trip to Portland to visit my friend Deb and her husband Burt who just delivered their baby girl Kenna on the 26th. Deb found out she was pregnant right after we did. It was fun to hear her pregnancy progression just a few weeks behind mine. They didn't find out they were having a baby girl until she was born. It was amazing to hold her, only weighing 6lb's like William did when he was born...she's a feather compared to my son now! I had no idea the difference until I picked my son back up...what a chunk! It was great to visit with them. Welcome into the world Kenna Haley! We also went and visited a dear friend of mine Saundra and her husband Trent and their little guy Augustine. Augustine turned a year hold this last December and is as cute as ever. He could clearly pronounce "Baby!" when I brought William to visit. He's got big brown eyes and is WAY cute! Thanks for letting me visit Hardy's! *I hop on the scale and then pick William...

March 25th, 2009 First SMILE! 1 month, 2 weeks, 4 days

William has given us a few "for real" smiles over the last couple days. Not the ones that come across his face while he's sleeping (from either gas or a dream about his mamma's milk), but the ones that tell us he's starting to focus and respond more to our voices. I was at home alone when he did it for the first time. He fixed his gaze on me while I was talking to him and smiling at him and after he looked like he was thinking about it for awhile, he did it...he smiled! It made me so happy inside and I had no one to share it with-not even a picture to prove it! It's neat how something so little can be something so BIG. Since then he's charmed dad with his smile. I finally caught some on the camera today. He gets all excited and starts moving around a lot so some have some blurry hands in them. His head is a bit cut off as I was taking the pictures myself and didn't realize it until he was done smiling. You can still see how cute he is though...

March, 18th, 2009 How I sleep... 1 month, 2 weeks, 4 days

William is such a good baby. Yes, he still cries and can make quite a bit of noise for unknown reasons sometimes, but usually he's quite content when he's fed and had his diaper changed. I'm including some pictures of him sleeping. He usually likes to be held tight, wrapped in a blanket and in my arms as he falls asleep. I know he's sound asleep when I can lay him down and his whole body is limp because he's totally relaxed. I laid him on the table the other day when he was fast asleep...pretty funny picture. Curtis took the next one of him all wrapped up in his blanket sleeping on the pillow...he looks so peaceful. There's another picture of William while I was changing his diaper today. Usually the process of changing either his diaper or clothes involves him crying and kicking his legs. I had to catch this moment- when he actually laid still (makes his diaper changea a whole lot easier when he's not kicking his legs!)!

March 13th, 2009 Visiting many... 1 month, 6 days!

We took a trip to Portland to visit a few people who hadn't yet seen William. Of course we had to stop and see Auntie Tauna first! We enjoyed breakfast with her before she had to go to work. Here's some pics of our visit. "I love you Tunes!" and I can't wait to hear what William will call you when he starts to talk...will he be able to say Tauna...?

March 11th, 2009 Growing, growing... 1 month, 4 days

William continues to grow. I'm having a lot of fun being a mom. There are so many changes in William from day to day. I can only imagine the changes ahead. I enjoy continuing my walks with the dogs with William in the carrier now. He falls right to sleep while he's jostled around. He loves the ride, the dogs love the walk and mom loves the exercise. The other night Curtis set William up while he was watching some tv. He put William next to him with the remote in front of his hand...pretty funny pic. Last night William was lying with Dad and keeping his head up for pretty long periods of time. We took some pics as well as some video on our video camera. He kept pulling his head up to look around and then soon he'd get tired and "flop"...his head would land on Dad's chest. It was cute!

March 4th, 2009 Sportin' some shoes 3 weeks 3 days

This one's for my dad. When he was up visiting William after he was born, he commented on how he had "skinny legs". I was rummaging through some shoes with Grandma Marsha the other day and we came across some that actually fit. Although he wasn't happy about it, we had to take a few pictures. With just his onsie on and the bulky shoes, his little legs did look quite skinny. I thought my dad would appreciate the pictures (o:

March 2nd, 2009 Hungry man! 3 weeks 2 days

We had an appointment with the lactation specialist today. She weighed William and he's up to 8lb 3oz already ! She said that from the last apt I had with her that he should've gained about and oz a day. That was 19 days ago and he put on 25 oz in that time! He obviously knows how to eat! We've noticed it in his cheeks (o: She weighed him after I was done feeding him and he's already taking about 3 oz with each feeding (more than she had expected). It's good to know he's doing well. You'll see the picture where it looks like William's saying the pledge of his sleep.