Calvin's Golden Birthday!

 There's much to celebrate about this kid.  Calvin's always the life of the party.  He's learning that he's funny and often provides the comic relief the rest of our family needs sometimes (o;  He wanted friends over to just hang, have dinner and cake and of course a wrestling match (boy's birthday parties are pretty easy).  Lots of sugar, giggles and sweaty little boys.  

Dawson, Cameron, Brandon, Calvin and William 

William was just as excited it was his brother's birthday

Celebrating with his 2nd grade Class

Cheese ball smile while Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Bruce celebrate with him

Putting together a RC car with Dad

This one I love.  These two have a love/hate many brothers.  
I pray they share a bond like only brothers can.

The Dutch Bro free birthday drink stop.  Always something they look forward to!


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