33755 S. Barlow Rd. Woodburn, OR 97071
As hard as this is for me to write, I have a complete peace in my heart about this major transition that's about to take place in our lives. We hit 'post' on our house for sale this past Thursday. Most people think we're crazy and I have to admit, I still occasionally do to. When you feel God is calling you to something bigger than your understanding at the moment, that's often how it seems. We've loved this home for the past 9 years and have put many hours into making it the beautiful home that it is...All the way up to a bathroom that we're still currently working on! When you buy an older home, it comes with a lot of charm but also quite a few repairs and/or much needed updates. Our recent decision to leave the church we've been a part of since we moved here led us to start looking at our location in regards to community. We've always lived about 15 minutes from everything, school, church, grocery store...And now that we were enteri...