Dec. 25th, 2009 William's First Christmas

What a joy it is to celebrate Christmas with your child. Not that William was really interested in any of the toys, but he LOVED all the paper, bows and lights (don't worry, he got interested in the toys later)!

My parents came up for Christmas so we were blessed to be able to spend Christmas day with both my family and Curtis'. My brother met up with his biological family a couple weeks before Christmas and was actually able to bring his bio brother and cousin along with him on their trip to Oregon. It was nice to meet them and spend some time getting to know them. Here's a pic of one of the Christmas presents we made with them...some handmade marshmallow shooters.

William's Aunt Lori arranged for all the cousins to have matching sweaters. It was way too cute to see them all matching.

I am so blessed to have the family that I do.

Me and my men.


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