He is Risen!
Our Easter was a bit different this year. Curtis had to work and Marsha was out of town on vacation, which meant it was just me and the boys for the day! When I thought about it, I concluded that this might have been the first Easter not spent with extended family...Made me realize how thankful I am for them! And despite it being different, the day was actually a ton of fun-just me and my boys! We had a little Easter fun while Dad was with us on Saturday and hit up the egg hunt in Canby with the Thorne family-Always a good time spent with them... There's always a "better" way to wear your basket. This was William's first time dying eggs (o; The two little munchkins, Calvin and Jadrian (how much sand did you find in Jade's diaper Emily?) Here the boys are Easter day. I hid eggs in our backyard while the boys napped. You should have seen William's excitement when he woke up and saw colored eggs in the yard! Cute bo...