
Showing posts from August, 2009

August 28th, 2009 Home after vacationing in California...William's first road trip!

How do I sum up 2 weeks of vacation...We were blessed with a fantastic California road trip and a wonderful time with my family. Here are some of the highlights while there... *We got the entire family together for the first time in a long time (and I'm not quite sure when it'll happen again) for a family picture...Mom, Dad, Mel & Thomas, Tune, Maurice, Chris, Curtis, I & William. It was a lot of fun. Stay tuned and I'll pick some of our favorites for a separate post. *William got to meet all the boys of the family for the first time, Uncle Maurice, Uncle Chris and Uncle Thomas. It was pretty fun to see the reactions on all their faces when they met him for the first time. *William enjoyed the California beach for the first time. Of course, the camera batteries died while we were there so we only have a few pics for proof. None the less, he had fun trying to eat sand and splashing his feet in the water. *We enjoyed the Wild Animal Park near mom and dad's...

August 7th, 2009 6 months old!!!

William's survived half a year and we're oh so thankful for his health. There's something about his smile that just melts my heart. And his just makes me happy inside! The carrots in my garden are just big enough that William can hold them in his hand and fit most of one in his mouth. I thought I'd see how he liked nawing on one. He doesn't have any teeth yet, but he enjoyed gumming it around. It was pretty stinkin' cute. Later I gave him a slice of cucumber...Let's just say he liked it so much he cried when I took it away. I can hardly believe 6 months have come and gone. Before I know it, he'll be a year old. I enjoy each moment I have with him and absolutely love being his mommy.

July 30th-August 2nd First time Camping!

We headed to Long Beach, WA to camp with some friends this past weekend. It was nice to escape the 100 degree weather here in the valley (that we've had for the past week or so)! We actually wore sweatshirts and jackets! What fun it was to take William camping. Not that he'll remember any of it, but we'll cherish the memories for sure (and the pictures). William did great. Granted, camping will change a bit for mom and dad once he's running around. They'll be cute pictures of him all dirty (o: We enjoyed the beach, the local shops, waffle cones with ice cream, smores with Reeses (you should try it!), campfires, good laughs, good friends and forever memories. As we were driving home I year...a 1 1/2 year old running around...another on the way...?...(no I'm not pregnant)...We'll see what the future holds. Overall, success. I'm pleased with how well it went and can't wait until next time! *I absolutely love the pic of William ...