The start of a new chapter in life...
Continuation of my emails to those who have prayed for us and our move: Well, the holidays are past and the New Year is well on its way… For those of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers and reminded us via text or phone call that you’re thinking of us, your encouragement has meant the world. I don’t ever want to forget to say thank you. We are continually reminded of the importance God placed on people and community. It has truly been our sustenance throughout this entire journey. He never meant for us to do life alone; ever. Whether it’s been the life group we’ve connected with, new friends and families through the boy’s school and the kindness of our neighbors, we’ve felt encouraged. Honestly, this journey would’ve been one of extreme loneliness, depression and frustration if it hadn’t been for stepping beyond ourselves and reaching out to others (even at the most stressful of times). I say this only as encouragement. When life throws big th...