Superman and his Bull Cow
After a successful trip to Goodwill, I present to you this year's costumes. People typically wear them once a year and then they give them away which totally makes it worth a thrift trip! And we even found a matching costume for Z! We took the opportunity to snap a pic of the cousins in their costumes before they had to leave after their visit this month. Out of the bajillion I snapped, this was the best I got. These three are adorable. Halloween: Molalla Communications has done a picture booth the past few years that we always make sure we stop in at for an annual picture. Unfortunately, they weren't doing it this year (we heard a few other people surprised and disappointed...Probably wasn't terribly cost effective for them). So, we took our own. After this picture was snapped, we went around to the surrounding business' and fire station for our trick or treat experience...Then it started to downpour. Curtis ran...