Kindergarten Wrap Up!
Has an entire school year really gone by?! I feel as though it was just yesterday we were taking William to his first day of school...I don't think I'll ever get used to how quickly time passes. Highlights of this year... *Watching William grow socially. I think he'll always be a bit intimidated in situations that are new. He's definitely our cautious and analytical little guy. He's been deemed "shy" by many, but I refuse to let him believe it. If it takes reminding him everyday that we serve a God who has made him to be strong and courageous for Him, I'll do it (o; His transition to Kindergarten went SO much more smoothly than anticipated (even though he had me walk him to class the entire school year...I'll soak it up now, cause how much longer will that last?!). Much thanks to the wonderful and talented Mrs. Ruwitch who made him feel so loved and welcomed right off the bat. Calvin loved Mrs. Ruwitch as much as William did (o; ...