I don't think there are many who can say they have not just one, but two of their Great Grandma's still living...I was one of those lucky ones until just a few days ago. My Mom's Grandma, Evelyn Clement, turned 95 earlier this year and went home to be with the Lord (and Great Grandpa Ralph) on Dec. 2nd. What a sweet and precious woman she was...One who loved Jesus with all her heart and I'm sure was welcomed with a great big bear hug when she walked through those pearly gates (o; I don't have many memories of her growing up, but the few that I do I will cherish. When I was younger I have fond memories of heading up the mountain during apple harvest to make cider from their old wooden press. I'm sure Mom's got some pictures of us girls helping crank, putting apples in the hopper and doing what we weren't supposed to-put our mouths at the end of the spout to catch the fresh juice before it hit the bottle (o; Good times... I also remember wat...