
Showing posts from August, 2012

Our latest addition

Introducing “Pepper”...our 2yr old Aussie Mix who has taken the place of Max as Rag’s companion.     As you can see, William took an automatic liking to her (o;     And as promised, Rags now has a “girlfriend”… And Mom finally has at least one dog that won’t lift her leg and pee on all her plants! FYI: *The videos were taken inside the house looking out the window so that William wouldn’t notice we were videoing him.   So if the sound doesn’t match what’s going on outside, you now know why.


In a little boy's world, bubble wands can be guns... And when you run a holster short...No worries. There's always a solution.  Armed and ready for battle... (The most hilarious part was watching him run around like this;trying to keep all his "guns" in their proper spot.  I was laughing so hard I didn't get a video.)


Having a brother means you have to learn to share…  Calvin’s officially moved into William’s bottom bunk…fortunately the crib fits perfectly!  It also means sharing shower space (o;  You should see the two of them giggle together in the shower.   Calvin loves the water so much that he gives himself little bruises on his ankles from kicking his legs in excitement. And a close up of my cute chubbalubba (o; 

August 8th, 2012 9 Months Old

Ah, the life of a nine month old...It's rough learning out to crawl! You’re not quite there yet, but you’re sure trying to get up on all fours!   And you're fabulous at scooting backwards.  I’m betting you'll get the hang of it within the next couple of  weeks.    You are super smiley (o;   And I just love the way you scrunch up your nose.  You do it so infrequently it was a little hard to catch it.  This will do: You still LOVE to eat…If you’re hungry, you’ll pretty much try anything I put in front of you.   You’ve even taken a liking to tofu… You've also started talking.  Vocab is a bit limited, but you're first words were "DaDa"  (just like your brother). At your 9 month appointment, you weighed in at 21.8lbs (which dropped you into the 69th percentile...(o;  ).  Don't worry, you're still the cause of the continual increase in my upper body strength.  You're definitely on the move, but you ...

August 1st-5th Our 3rd Annual Lost Lake Trip

Becoming a family tradition that we look forward to every year...Lost Lake: The first weekend in August. It was definitely a highlighted trip this year.    Aug. 1 st , While playing the dump truck wins and William experiences his first bloody nose…Sorry, no pictures of this one. Aug. 2 nd , William caught his first fish!   A little 8 1/4 th “ trout just long enough to keep (o;   Not that he wanted to dare eat it or even touch it, but he was proud of himself none the less. Preparing the lines... Walking to the lake. Waiting. And waiting...Honestly, I was surprised at how long he just sat there, fishing pole in hand. And then, THE CATCH!  (just don't let that thing touch me...) Walking it back to camp (NO! It's gonna touch me!!!) Learning to clean  (William's thinking: "Eww.  They think I'm gonna eat it?!") Aug. 3 rd , Sean’s thumb and fish hook battle…fish hook wins.   Trip to the Hood River ER and back to...