
Showing posts from January, 2011

Jan. 25th, 2011 Life in the Day of an (almost) 2 year old...

For those of you who have experienced toddlerhood, you know how busy a toddler can be. I decided to pack the camera around today and just snap a few pictures of what Mr. William finds to do in a day. I think if I decided to do this everyday it would make for an interesting blog post. He amazes me with the things he comes up with and just how quickly he's growing into quite the little boy. Here's to a day in William's shoes... ...or his moms (and they always seem to be on the wrong feet) (o: I told William we were going to let the dogs inside but that we had to dry their feet off first. Before I had finished what I was doing, he was already at the door with the towel wrapped around his hands. It'll be really nice when he can actually wipe the dogs feet too! Usually, the under sink cabinet is off limits and William knows it. As any toddler does, William ended up sneaking it open to play with the dishwasher tabs. Mom clued in when it got a little too quiet...I had ...

January 7th, 2011 Playing the piano in the...

William loves music. He especially loves one of the greatest 3$ garage sale deals ever purchased: his little piano and drum seat. It plays various tunes or he can just plunk away one key at a time. It comes complete with it's own microphone that he loves to yell in to and a little seat that, when bounced up and down on, plays a drum beat. This morning he decided to play in the nude. Although these pictures would be X-rated if he was a bit older, they're some precious little buns at this age. You should have seen him bounce his cheeks up and down to the beat (o: I was laughing out loud.