
Showing posts from August, 2010

August 25th, 2010 Learning construction with Dad

We're in the middle of a major kitchen remodel at the Gant house. William gets right in there with Dad and "helps" him with whatever he's working on. It's pretty cute to see him pick up the hammer and mimick Curtis' actions. He's a little boy following his in his Daddy's footsteps. If he becomes even half the man his Daddy is, I'll be one proud mama. "Here you go Mom, don't forget your face mask." What a perfect little boy's hideout... "Is it this one Daddy?" "Okay, don't worry I'll get it!" Along with Construction sometimes comes an "ouchie". William experiencing his mom as Nurse for the first time. S ittin' and watchin' Mark at work...Sometimes I just wonder what he's thinking...

August 21st, 2010 Gant Ranch BBQ

Annually we try and get together our friends from when we lived in Portland for a BBQ during the summer. We always enjoy seeing old friends, eating good food and just hanging out into the evening. We cherish our friendships and are thankful that this time allows us to keep connected. William and Lindsey. Sarah and Petra goofin' around! The newest addition to our clan, Lauren Marie just a little over a week old. The kids pickin' berries... Sarah teaching Brycen how to act rough and tough on the four wheeler. Holdin' miss Adalie (hope I spelled it right!), one of the Huld twins.

August 5th-8th, 2010 Lost Lake Camping

We were so excited for our camping trip this year! We planned to head up to Lost Lake with our Life Group from church and camp for an extended weekend. We had such a blast. I just love seeing William play in the dirt and enjoy the outdoors 24/7. What little boy wouldn't love it! We had planned to take him on his first kayak ride but time and weather didn't permit. Don't worry, I know Dad will get him on the kayak with him sooner than later! Here are some of the fun pics from the weekend... What better thing to do on a long drive than fall asleep...with watchdog Max at your side. Mama and William sittin' by the fire Pickin up rocks, down by the river. Nothin' like a lukewarm bath in the wide open nature (Okay, Mom was being a little torturous at this point! We only did it once.) Giving loves to his little buddy! Our dutch oven (lasagna) goodness... Playin' with the big kids: Jacob, Ethan and Lauren. A mouthful of red licorice...and loving it! My precious...