
Showing posts from August, 2008

August 28, 2008 Dad's first appointment! 15 weeks

Today was the first appointment Dad got to go to! He originally thought we were going to find out who you were-a boy or girl (o: That's now scheduled for Mel's birthday, Oct. 6th. Seems like such a long time off when you're looking forward to it, but I know the time will pass quickly (as the first couple months have!). We got to hear your heartbeat again-sounded strong and healthy. This time Christine (my midwife) barely had to find you once she put the gel on my belly. Definitely not hiding this time! I just hope there's the same amount of cooperation when we try to find out what you are (o: They also checked my Hgb since I had felt dizzy recently. The level was even better than the previous blood draw! It's good to know things are going well. Since I can't feel you yet, the appointments bring suh reassurance that you're alive and well. Thank you God that there hasn't been any scare of miscarriage. I know that this child is Yours and You can...

August 25, 2008 Feeling you move...? 14 weeks 4 days

I think I felt you move today baby! It actually kind of scared me. I was sitting at the computer and all of a sudden I felt this really odd sensation in my pelvic area. I only felt it once but it gave me chills. It was unlike anything I've ever felt before...Was it you? Since I've never felt a baby move inside of me, I really don't know what it should feel like. I've never had gas that's felt like that before...(o:

August 3, 2008 Fearfully and Wonderfully made 11 weeks 3 days

I've finally started feeling the "I can't suck it in anymore" pooch that's starting to make being pregnant more real. I think it's the waistline that's starting to spread out more than anything. The jeans just don't fit right anymore and are definitely uncomfortable. Now I can't wait until I can feel this baby! God, feeling the baby move has to be so amazing. Thank you for allowing me to be the temple of Your growing child. Already, it's been an amazing journey. I can hardly believe how You form such a tiny being inside of me. The intracacies of something so tiny coming together perfectly...How can anyone not beleive in Your creation. You are an amazing God. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordain...