Swim Lessons
We've always wanted the boys to feel comfortable in the water. Making the time for swim lessons proves more difficult than expected. We managed to squeeze some in and they were even able to take them with two of their favorites: Evan and Avery. This kid loves the water. As much as he allows his fears and timidness to get in the way of the actual lesson and the teacher he doesn't know, I think he could really become a fish if he'd let himself. So, we just push him along (o; He wasn't at all afraid this time to jump off the deep. It's those small improvements that we applaud. This little man and his shark goggles got a little more brave in the water this time. Sticking his head under has been a fearful feat and he mastered it this time. He's still a bit scared when he knows his feet can't touch, but it'll just take time. In the meantime, he loves any floaty device that helps him stay up (o; The gang (William, Calvin, Evan and A...