
Showing posts from August, 2015


This is our 3rd summer having Brenden come stay with us.  This year we got him for 2 whole weeks. Whenever he comes, even though we barely see him any other time of the year (except on occasion when we're down in CA), it always feels like we pick right back off where he left last time.  It's fun.  And I know we're building memories for the boys (and Brenden) that will last a lifetime. We crammed a lot into the short time he was here.  We got to travel down to Drain together to celebrate this guy's 10th birthday... Love him. In addition to birthday fun, we got to visit Lori's parents place for the first time (and I got a special little tour of places where Lori grew up which was really neat...Thank you Lori!). With out visit came our first crawdad catch AND taste... First you have to find one... Then you cook 'em up... And you taste.  (Not sure he was too fond of it, but he can atleast now say he's tried it!).  I thought it was delici...

Annual Lost Lake Trip

We have a special bond with the Brown family.  Even though we often only see them once a year at Lost Lake, it never feels that way when we get there.  Their oldest son graduated this year from high school and so the dynamics of our two families are pretty different.  But,  their family loves ours and we feel the same way about them.  I love how this picture shows how much the big boys love on our little boys... The big kids include the little kids and it's pretty neat to see them interact together. Freska and Rags got a new puppy companion this year...4month old Tucker. He was a bit too much puppy for them most of the time. Especially when Tucker wanted to play tug of war with Freska's tail  (o; Big deal on this trip...Calvin caught his very first fish! Now both boys have caught their first fish in Lost Lake at 3 yrs old. (o; This little man enjoyed his first year of Lost Lake getting to ride a bike up and down the hill...