
BOTH boys enjoyed soccer this Fall with Real Life Sports!

This was William's 2nd time playing and he made the decision all on his own.  He even asked at his last practice this season if Real Life let 9th graders play...He was already thinking about playing into 9th grade!  After his traumatizing experience in kindergarten, we've never pushed the idea of playing again.  Now he says he's really enjoying the sport.  I'm just thankful he's found something he likes to do that keeps him moving.  I want both boys to learn to love being active-however they want to do it.

Although William's team didn't win a single game this year, he still managed to play hard, learn some new skills and finish the season.  Proud of him.

Calvin's team made it to the top two teams in the league and ended up winning the Cereal Cup Championship.  This is his 2nd time winning the championship and obviously he was pretty excited.  

What I love about real life sports is the emphasis on sportsmanlike character. They focus on a characteristic every week and want the kids to know that playing sports isn’t just about winning. So grateful they have the opportunity to participate in their program. 


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