Cross Country for Cal

 The Cross Country Elementary team at GPA is a short season of only about four weeks.  Calvin decided to try it this year.  Normally we would've said no to two sports at a time, but practices were actually between when Calvin got done with school and when William was released so it filled that gap nicely so we could pick them both up at the same time.  His 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Shroeder was the coach and he loved her last year so that made it fun.  

Turns out, Cal's quite the runner!  There were two meets and out of over 40 other 4th grade kids from various schools, he came in 4th both times (1st from his school)!  I was able to be there for the 2nd meet and when he crossed the finish line he told me he was never running in cross country again (as he was out of breath and his face was beat red).  I told him to wait a few days...Sure enough, a few days later he was already talking about how he wanted to maybe try again next year.  It was fun to watch him run and race.


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